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For all publishing and collaboration inquiries, please contact: Rachelle Gardner at Gardner Literary.
The best way to connect with Kristy is to follow on her social media. While she's unable to answer DMs, Kristy enjoys connecting with reader friends and tries to answer as many public comments as she can. You can find Kristy on: Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and Pinterest.
To receive exclusive book news, giveaways, and sale alerts, sign up for Kristy's newsletter and follow on Amazon, BookBub, and GoodReads.
Whether storytelling from the stage in a keynote address, leading a conference workshop session for aspiring authors, or a book club or local bookshop is discussing one of her books. . . Kristy loves to connect with readers and writers!
For 2025-2026 booking inquiries, connect with us on the EVENTS PAGE.
For digital/print articles, podcast interviews, video storyteller files, or for a 2025 Media Kit & downloadable author headshot, connect on the MEDIA PAGE.
For rights, foreign translations, collaborations, and general book/publishing inquiries, please contact:
Rachelle Gardner
CEO and Literary Agent,
Margaret Kercher
Publicity Manager, Fiction
HarperCollins Publishers
Thank you for your interest! Kristy's schedule is limited due to her family and professional commitments, but she enjoys hearing from authors about their stories and is humbled by requests to read.
We are currently closed for 2025 endorsement requests. For 2026-2027 endorsement requests, agents and editors may contact: Rachelle Gardner at Gardner Literary.
While we wish we could send bookplates to everyone who asks, we currently send bookplates to bookshops, libraries, and/or conferences or organizations that book Kristy for a new release event.
To inquire about bookplates for a new release event, please contact:
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The author has not, does not, and will not sanction the use of any content on this site, nor from any of her published or unpublished works to be utilized for the training of or involvement with any entity's generative AI. The author has not, does not, and will not utilize generative AI in the design, development, writing, editing, nor allow AI-generated cover art for any of her published works. Author's work is 100% human created.
In addition to her author role, Kristy also serves as Vice President and a literary agent with Gardner Literary, and represents clients in both fiction and nonfiction. (*We DO NOT accept manuscript submissions or representation inquiries via DMs, or Kristy's social media or website.)
For manuscript submissions, clients, or for information on the types of projects we represent, please visit:
Read on for answers to some of the authorly questions I'm asked most.
Q: I wrote a book. . . now what?
Have a fantastic idea that you turned into a book (well done, you!), but don't know what to do next? For a general FAQ and how-to guide for publishing, review our agency Your Path to Publishing guide. Here you can read up on some of the decisions you'll need to make (such as pursuing a traditional or indie publishing path) and gain knowledge for the business side of being an author.
Q: Can Kristy provide feedback on my book?
Congrats -- writing a book is a huge accomplishment and you've done it! While I wish I had time to read everything I'd like, with my current roles as author and literary agent (and wife and mom), I'm only able to read limited books for endorsement consideration. (Please see Endorsements section above for more info.)
One of the best things you can do to find feedback, community, and/or readers to endorse your books is to join a professional writing organization or a local writing group. There you can meet other writers who share in your love for story, and just may encourage you along the way. (Hint: If there are no local writing groups close to you. . . consider starting one of your own!)
Q: What's your best advice for aspiring authors?
One of the first questions I ask in response to this is: What are you reading?
Read, read, read. It's a big red flag that you might not be ready to be an author if you don't have the desire or time to read. You have to fall in love with stories first before you can hope to write (and share) yours for readers to enjoy one day.
Read in the genre in which you write. But read other genres too. Explore! Find out what styles, genres, eras, settings, tropes, and types of books you enjoy most, and those you don't. Spend time learning about the audience and book communities in which you'd like to share your own stories and find out what makes those readers tick. (If you're a rom-com author for example, get to know what those readers want and expect out of those books. If you're only reading classic literature or cozy mysteries, how can you really get to know what makes a rom-com book. . . a rom-com book? Or what readers want in rom-com books today?)
The other piece of advice (while you're doing all this reading) is. . . Write. Every. Day. And give it your all to improve in the writing craft and invest in learning the ins and outs of the publishing industry. Your future author self will thank you!
Q: Can you recommend an editor, agent, web professional or writing coach?
While I'm unable to recommend specific goods or services for your situation (and I can make no claims nor offer promises here), I encourage authors to make smart decisions and find reputable professionals to assist with your needs. Do your homework and research any entity you're considering working with. This might help to get started:
- Need a kick-start to your author career? If you're looking for a coach to get you started, I offer coaching sessions for unagented writers. Availability is limited, but we try to accommodate as many as possible. You can learn more and inquire on my Coaching Page.
- Professional writing organizations such as the Authors Guild or asking for referrals in writing groups can be wise places to start. Attending writing conferences or author events can also be helpful to network and learn about the industry. Above all, seek the appropriate legal or financial counsel for your specific situation, and make the right decisions for you. Best of bookish good luck!
All Gardner Literary manuscript submissions are received and managed through Query Manager. (*We DO NOT accept submissions via DMs, through Kristy's social media, or website.)
To review the types of projects we represent and/or for manuscript submission guidelines, click HERE.
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